Tuesday, June 25, 2013

5 Culinary Spices You May Not Know (But Should)

           Elettaria Cardamomum, or green cardamom, is one of the most exquisitely flavorful and valuable spices in the world. It is common in Middle Eastern, Indian, and Mediterranean cooking, and also appears as far north as Sweden and Finland. It has been a staple of global trade for thousands of years, dating back at least to the time of the ancient Greeks. The plant is native to India.
Cardamom is richly aromatic, delightfully pungent, and gives a slightly sweet, spicy flavor to beans, rice, vegetables, and meat. 'Spicy' in this context does not mean hot, like a jalapeno - cardamom has a bright, sharp, and very present flavor, but does not burn like a hot pepper. Cardamom is a common ingredient in Chai-spiced teas, where it lends the drink and warming, stimulating scent and pleasantly biting flavor. Try adding cardamom, along with coriander and garlic, to black beans, or with cumin to flavor beef.
Grains of Paradise
Aframomum melegueta, also known as 'African Pepper', Grains of Paradise are native to West Africa, but have made their way into European cuisine as a substitute for black pepper. They are less biting and more richly flavored than a black peppercorn, and can be used to add depth to a dish, while still retaining the spicy warmth. Grains of Paradise are also used in beer, cocktails, and liqueurs. Some brewers consider them superior to black peppercorns for spicing beer, as they complement the flavor of beer without overpowering the other ingredients. In cooking, you can use Grains of Paradise as a straight substitute for black pepper, to give your dishes a new, deeper, complexity. They can also be used as an apple pie spice, to complement cinnamon and cloves, livening up traditional recipes.
Palmaria palmata, also known as sea lettuce, is in fact a red algae that forms long, leaf-like structures under the surface of the ocean. It is a dietary staple in the parts of the world where it commonly grows, but is most commonly found in the US as a powder or flake. Dulse has a salty, oceanic taste, and can be used in place of refined table salt to improve the nutritional value of food. Soups, stews, stir-fry, baked or grilled vegetables, meat dishes, anywhere you would normally use salt, try dulse instead. Dulse has a high vitamin content, contains all the necessary trace minerals, and even has some protein.
Herbs de Provence
Basil, rosemary, thyme, parsley, marjoram, lavender, tarragon
Herbs de Provence is a traditional French blend of herbs, that is often used on chicken and other poultry. Most of the herbs contained in Provence blends are familiar to American and European cooks, but the addition of lavender gives them a unique twist. The flavor is light, fresh, and good with butter. Also try them in soups and sauces to experience some uniquely French flavor in your own home.
Garam Masala
cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, cumin, coriander, black pepper
Garam Masala, like the Provence blend, is a combination of spices which are well known on their own, but become really special when combined. Garam Masala is a spice of Indian and Middle Eastern cooking, and gives meats and stews a flavor unlike anything we commonly encounter in the US. Beef becomes spicy and forward, rather than solely savory. It can make a beef stew really pop, without relying on heavy amounts of salt, bringing the meat to the forefront of the flavor profile without compromising its succulence. Use Garam Masala in vegetable or rice dishes to add spice and flavor to otherwise bland recipes. Beets and other root veggies, sliced and spiced with Garam Masala, and pan fried in just a touch of olive oil, can be the foundation of a rich and delicious vegetarian dinner.
When it comes to new and unfamiliar spices, don't be shy! Get out of your comfort zone and try new recipes, new vegetables, and new spices. Let your nose be your guide, and experiment until you find what works for you. A couple of new cooking spices can shake up a dinner routine which has become boring or bland, and can add some much needed variety to tried-and-true recipes. The health benefits of a varied diet are well known, and expanding your knowledge of cooking herbs and spices can open up the whole world to you, and bring some adventure to your table.
The health benefits of a varied diet are well known, and expanding your knowledge of cooking herbs and spices can open up the whole world to you, and bring some adventure to your table. Learn more at Phoenix Herb Company

Wisdom Delivers One From An Immoral Lifestyle

            Today's society embraces an immoral lifestyle for the young (and old alike)... but God never has. Paul wrote, "Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body."
[1 Corinthians 6:18 NIV]
The medical community bears out the truth of that statement. Consider for a moment some statistical information.
Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted bacterium infection transmitted during oral, vaginal, or anal sexual contact with an infected partner. It can cause serious problems in men and women as well as in newborn babies of infected mothers. The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that more than 4 million people become infected each year. Estimations suggest that the infection costs Americans more than $2 billion a year.
Gonococcal infections occur 62 million cases worldwide. The symptoms are inflammation of the mucosa of the birth canal, of the mucous membrane of the throat, and/or rectum. The possible complications that it introduces to its victim are septicemia (blood poisoning), arthritis, endocarditis (inflammation of the lining of the heart) and meningitis (inflammation of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord, characterized by fever, vomiting, intense headache, and stiff neck.
Syphilis is the most deadly STD (sexually transmitted diseases) apart from AIDS. Signs of this bacterial infection range from skin eruptions to complications of the heart and nervous system. It affects about 12 million people
Trichomonas is a parasitic infection that infects some 170 million.
Then there is Genital Herpes, for which there is no cure. Just continued itching, burning, blisters and misery with repeated outbreaks for the rest of ones life! Genital Herpes is carried by the male without his ever knowing he has it. The only way he can 'pick it up' is through sexual activity with an infected partner. Image the distress of a 'virgin' young woman finding out she has Genital Herpes because her husband co-habited with someone else!
AIDS adds even more problems. And we haven't mentioned unwanted pregnancy or the emotional impact of such a lifestyle.
The immoral really do reap, in their own body, the fruit of their ways. The scriptures warn us. If we are wise, we will listen to the warning.
Proverbs 2:10-19 NIV "For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant... Discretion will protect you, and understanding will guard you. Wisdom will save you from the adulteress, from the wayward wife with her seductive words, who has left the partner of her youth and ignored the covenant she made before God. For her house leads down to death... None who go to her return or attain the paths of life."
When virgins (both male and female) keep themselves sexually pure, they never need be concerned with these diseases. They are reserved for the immoral.
Willetta is a retired minister and teacher of the gospel. She has counseled many young people to remain virgins until they are married