Sunday, January 25, 2015

A Jewelry Lover's Guide To Egyptian Cartouche Jewelry

A Jewelry Lover's Guide To Egyptian Cartouche Jewelry

By Janine Hughes

Ethnic and historically significant jewelry is becoming more popular these days. Many people are choosing to wear items that reflect their origins or heritage. For some people, they do not realize that pieces such as Egyptian cartouche jewelry actually have meaning beyond a cultural connection. Here is what you need to know about these pieces. It will give you the ability to choose the right items that you can wear with pride and enjoyment.

Most ancient civilizations had a written language of some sort. Some were more complex than others. Different civilizations had differing amounts of written materials that they left behind. In the case of ancient Egypt, there were massive amounts of written materials for historians to look over. The problem was that the symbols, known as hieroglyphics, were totally different than any written language system that historians were familiar with. Then, a break came and the secret meaning of the symbols was unleashed. It was no wonder that shortly after, even non-historians became interested and began to want to know more about Egyptian written language.

Although most symbols were just written in straight lines or columns, many of them were organized inside oval shapes. These usually had a small, straight line drawn at one end and attached to the oval. As historians learned more about the writing system used by ancient Egyptians, they learned that the ovals enclosed symbols that made up formal names. Usually these were the names of royalty but this was not always the case.

Once historians knew what the symbols meant, it wasn’t long before ordinary people were wanting to play around with them. They wanted to translate their own names, or other details into the Egyptian symbols. And ultimately, they wanted to find ways to use the symbols on pieces of jewelry. Shortly thereafter, cartouche pieces began to be found in more and more locations.

Although it can be fun to buy the first piece you come across, it might be worthwhile to sit down and think about what your ideal jewelry piece would be. It can help you narrow down your search and may help you find pieces that are of higher quality. Although it may take up time to do some checking it is going to be worthwhile. This is especially true if you are buying a piece made from precious metal as these can cost hundreds of dollars.

You want to make sure that the symbols inside mean what they say they mean. Like any ancient writing system, it can be easy to make mistakes when translating words into symbols. There are also changes to the writing system that took place throughout Egyptian history. It’s a good idea to work with a reputable jewelry or supplier of these pieces. This way you know that the correct symbols are being used.

It is important to also know what you are paying for metal-wise. Gold, for example, can vary widely in terms of purity and quality. If you are paying for metals that are more pure, the price tag will be higher so it is important to deal with a supplier who won’t cheat you in this regard.

You always want to check your information before finalizing any jewelry design. These are custom pieces and because of this, you often cannot return or exchange them once you have approved a particular design. By using reputable sources for information you stand a better chance of getting accurate symbols in your piece. After that, you can wear any piece you commission proudly and happily.

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A Jewelry Lover’s Guide To Egyptian Cartouche Jewelry A Jewelry Lover’s Guide To Egyptian Cartouche Jewelry

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A Jewelry Lover's Guide To Egyptian Cartouche Jewelry

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