Sunday, February 16, 2014

Make Your Own Quilt Instead Of Buying From The Quilt Store

Make Your Own Quilt Instead Of Buying From The Quilt Store

By Jerri Perry

In this age of convenience, you can buy or pay to do almost anything. However, in many cases, you save money when you make or do these things at home. Additionally, you feel a greater sense of ownership when you create something. For instance, a quilt that you buy from the quilt store will have much less personal value than one you make on your own from old clothing or other cloth scraps.

Learning to make and do things at home definitely requires more time and effort than purchasing them from outside. However, the added time may be worthwhile when you add up the amount of money you can save. Here are some things you could consider making instead of purchasing.

1. Food. This is one of the most beneficial things to make at home. Homemade food is healthier, cheaper, and tastes much better. Cook at home more often, and you will lose weight and save a lot of money. Make large amounts of food and freeze some of it in order to have convenient meals ready all the time.

2. Clothes. Making clothes is a skill that many, many people used to possess, but now it is extremely rare. It may take awhile to learn, especially if you do not already know how to sew or knit. Imagine, though, the amount of money that you could save. Also, you could create outfits that are completely unique, instead of showing up in the same dress from Old Navy that six other people are wearing.

3. Make your own jewelry. Jewelry in stores (aside from high-end jewelry containing precious gems) is often simply made from items you can find in craft stores and bead shops. But your own materials, and make jewelry for yourself. It can be fun and it will save you money. If you get really good, you could even sell your jewelry to others.

4. Picture Frames. You could pay twenty dollars for a cheaply made frame at a department store, or you could make your own. Buy some simple frames at a craft shop, and decorate them yourself. You can include words or objects that have a personal meaning.

5. Working Out. People pay exorbitant prices for gym memberships that they do not even use regularly. Or, they go to the gym three times a week and use only the treadmill. Instead of throwing your money away like this, just work out on your own. Find a track or a park in your area, or simply walk or jog around your neighborhood. This is much cheaper, and is a better mood enhancer than working out indoors on a machine.

This is just a sampling of the kinds of things you can make and do on your own for cheap or for free. Come up with more ideas. You will have to make choices, obviously. When you work outside the home or have other responsibilities that are time consuming, you cannot home-make everything. But even a couple of things, like making a quilt instead of going to the quilt store and working out outside instead of going to the gym, can make a a difference.

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Make Your Own Quilt Instead Of Buying From The Quilt Store Make Your Own Quilt Instead Of Buying From The Quilt Store

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Make Your Own Quilt Instead Of Buying From The Quilt Store

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