Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Application Of Christian Sports Apparel

The Application Of Christian Sports Apparel

By Lisa Williamson

After the death of Jesus Christ, the disciples were left with a duty of spreading the gospel to all nations. Currently there is no single country that has no idea completely about Christ, most at least know something even though not everything. This fact though does not stop the spread of the word of God because human beings have a weakness of forgetting easily and need a constant reminder. Because of this fact, various ways have been designed one of them being the use of Christian sports apparel.

These types of attires have history when it comes to their establishment. The various companies dealing with them had a story behind it for example some were developed because the founders were persons whose careers happened to reach a dead end. This has happened to various people and in their attempt to communicate with God, the idea comes up.

Most attires are now inscribed with words from the Holy Bible or just the beliefs of various faiths thus helping positively in the spreading of the word across board. It has helped a great deal because there are no costs incurred for example transport expenses by preachers and priest. It is a free sermon available to anyone who can see.

They not only have a positive impact when it comes to preaching but also a financial impact in that many individuals have been employed by the business firms that deal with this kind of business venture. It therefore has a double benefit and worth venturing into. The products are also good and satisfactory making it even much better.

The reason as to why it is associated with this is because sports guys are highly respected. It is therefore believed that by associating Christianity with sports, people will tend to buy the idea of acquiring the attire. On the other hand there was the urge of strengthening the relationship between Christianity and being sporty, this being one of the ways of achieving it.

The advantage that this idea came along with is the fact that the word of God is actually preached even when there are no preachers around. People will read the verses in the various attires and may end up getting something new from the Bible which may end up changing their lives. It is therefore a cheaper way of spreading the good news to various people.

Another important point to note is the attires that mostly fall in this category. The most common of all are the t-shirts which may have few lines or just two words but with a strong message. The underwear that is, the trousers or shorts also are examples. Swimming costumes have also been branded. Others include bands, that is, the wrist and head bands.

It is therefore very clear that the idea of dealing with these kinds of attires does not just have an economic value but also contributes to the spread of the gospel. Many people will have their views about the same but if we are keen enough we will notice that it is a good idea irrespective of the initial reason that brought up the idea

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The Application Of Christian Sports Apparel The Application Of Christian Sports Apparel

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