Friday, October 31, 2014

How To Easily Tell Authentic Balenciaga Leather Bags

How To Easily Tell Authentic Balenciaga Leather Bags

By Wanda Rosner

If you like bags and you are thinking of going for the Balenciaga leather bags then you should be aware that there are many fake handbags in the market. Do not be duped with fake bags. Normally, Balenciaga handbags come in various designs that can make it difficult to distinguish the authentic from the fake one. The good thing however is that original Balenciaga leather bags come with very small but important features that help in distinguishing them from the fake ones.

Do not let yourself be a target of cons, give consideration to particulars when purchasing Balenciaga handbags. Scrutinize the fabric of the Balenciaga hand bag. If it is too cheap, then you need to be very careful before going for the particular bags. It is most likely an imitation of the real one. Cheap Balenciaga handbags can to be singled out easily from a distance. Fake ones are manufactured from inexpensive leather; they are mostly shiny and stiff. The initial Balenciaga handbag is soft just by feeling its surface.

A genuine Balenciaga leather bag will fall its leather inwards once the bag is empty unlike the fake ones. It is because their leather is built to a particular thickness and fineness that you will not get in the fakes. A fake Balenciaga hand bag may have stiffened tassels unlike the authentic one whose tassels are soft and spend time loosely.

An authentic Balenciaga handbag has tassels on each zipper that might not be available in the fake brands. Look carefully around the rings tying the tassels together and make certain they are sealed. The shoulder strap too must have small spots in the ends and they have one layer of leather all along. Fake Balenciaga bags have a shoulder strap having a double layer of leather.

The overall shape of the bag will guide you too in choosing the Balenciaga bag you want to buy. An original one should have a rounded or curved shape. Most fake ones appear square shaped instead. Also look at the handles of the bag as they are a great tip too to help you scrutinize the bag. Authentic Balenciaga bags come with handles that have a braided look and they just look natural. Fake ones will have a finished shiny leather look that screams fake at a glance.

You need to also look at the lining and the stitching. The stitching along the top must be black for the authentic Balenciaga leather bags and also their lining should be black as well. Most fakes will come with a lining that matches the outer side of the bag.

Look at the serial on the tags of the Balenciaga bags as well. These tags have serial numbers and they are normally made of leather on one side and metal on the other side. On both sides, these serial numbers should be same that is the front and back side.

Ensure that you are certain about the outlet you want to buy the Balenciaga handbags from. Only choose from approved Balenciaga outlets. This will assure you of quality of the bags that you are purchasing.

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How To Easily Tell Authentic Balenciaga Leather Bags How To Easily Tell Authentic Balenciaga Leather Bags

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How To Easily Tell Authentic Balenciaga Leather Bags

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