Saturday, May 23, 2015

Learning About Scary Voodoo Dolls

Learning About Scary Voodoo Dolls

By Tammie Caldwell

People living within the modern world are always hearing tales about witchcraft and other mystical things that are always happening on a daily basis. It is very true that scary voodoo dolls really do exist in this world and they can be quite dangerous. Some individuals believe that they can easily put a spell upon someone that they dislike or mistrust.

A few years ago a woman living in Florida decided to visit an antique shop since she had heard so many wonderful things about this specific place. Once she entered this business a strange person walked up towards her and asked if they could be of assistance. She was a friendly type of person and truly believed that every human being on the planet meant well. Therefore this kind woman accepted help from this odd stranger.

He took her to a certain table which had tons of statues sitting upon it. The dark skinned doll was very interesting since he was the only colorful one within this group. This stunning woman knew at once that he would certainly start many great conversations among her house guests. She felt a very close connection to this one item.

The friendly shop assistant did not want to let go of this particular doll and this made the woman very suspicious. She felt that he may be quite valuable and could one day bring her a huge profit. Within the next few minutes this woman tried her best to bargain with the short male. He finally let her walk out of the store with this item.

After all was said and done she had spent over one hundred dollars for the statue. He was very ugly to look at but this young woman felt that the statue would bring style into her home. After returning to her house she placed the item upon one of the shelves within the bedroom.

Each and every day she was greeted by his very sinister smile which seemed to always get wider. None of her friends were very impressed with this item and they even felt that the doll should be burned. Unfortunately this group had been watching too many horror movies which come on television late at night. Finally she had heard enough of these negative comments and decided to visit the library. Little did she know that her home was being invaded during her absence.

Unfortunately after coming home she discovered that the tables and chairs within her residence were thrown across the room. She decided to contact the local law enforcement officers which were around town. They could not find anyone within the house and made an official report. She was advised to lock her doors and windows after they left the grounds. The day had been exhausting and she decided to retreat to her bedroom. It was quite shocking when she almost sat on her black statue which was now on the bed.

Luckily one of the books from the library had described this statue in full detail. He was a demon doll who would invade the home’s of single women who were doomed to be old maids. This item was also known to destroy the personal property which belonged to the women who lived alone. Unfortunately this doll has also been around for a very long time.

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Learning About Scary Voodoo Dolls Learning About Scary Voodoo Dolls

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Learning About Scary Voodoo Dolls

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