Friday, August 23, 2013

Discovering A New Marketing Territory When Selling Jewelry

Discovering A New Marketing Territory When Selling Jewelry

By Bart Gibson

Having your own online jewelry business has a lot of pros like flexibility and working from home, however without a proper business plan in place it won’t be profitable. Our article below lists tips and tricks to take into consideration when setting up your business plans to make sure you’re profitable.

Make sure that when customers visit your site for one reason, they are stimulated enough that they stick around to see what else you offer. Attractive pricing models and free shipping are two ways to entice your customers to continue shopping with you.

When picking an online auction site look for ones that aid you in dealing with prospective bidders. These sites give you the option about what type of buyers to sell to as well as the pre-approved buyers.

Offering guarantees is one of the most cost-effective ways to increase your sales volume. There are many different types of guarantees that could be offered for example, satisfaction guarantee, safe shopping guarantee and fast shipment guarantee. All these are geared towards achieving customers’ satisfaction.

Sometimes by thinking outside of the box you can garner the most attention. One popular tactic many brands use is email marketing since it is cheap and fast. Instead of following suit why not try sending your messages through the regular mail? Customers will appreciate the effort.

Decrease, reuse, and recycle. Most shipping material can be reused. When you get a package, such as a big box full of materials, save the bubble wrap, packing peanuts, and box. All of that can be reused when you send your own orders.

It is important for you to be sociable and interactive with your clients. They are able to trust you when they know that they are not dealing with an anonymous or shady person. Tell the customers a little about you, about your philosophy and policies. This builds their confidence in you and they are able to buy more from you, this is the positive reputation all businesses are seeking to build.

Paying for goods and services with bank transfers, check or money order is how people sometimes get cheated by scam artists. You want methods that can be instantly verified to avoid being defrauded. Safer payment methods such as credit card or cash should be used. You will both be protected this way.

Whenever you send a business email, include a call to action in it. Make sure to be clear in your message and be specific in your wording, as vague or unclear messages can be a detriment to your communication with your clients and your business.

When running your own business it’s imperative you stay on top of all of the rules and regulations. Contracts are binding and laws exist so you must always make sure your site is compliant otherwise you could be in big trouble.

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Discovering A New Marketing Territory When Selling Jewelry Discovering A New Marketing Territory When Selling Jewelry

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Discovering A New Marketing Territory When Selling Jewelry

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