Friday, August 30, 2013

Important Facts About The Head Turbans

Important Facts About The Head Turbans

By Amanda Baird

Some people refer to it as the head wear, however, in many cultures; these cloths are normally referred to as the head turbans. If you are wondering what this is, it is a cloth that is tied making a fan like shape at the top. The length is usually around one to ten meters. This size will thus depend on the size or age of the wearer. There is also the misconception that these cloths are used by men. However, in some cultures, women too adorn this cloth on special occasions.

Specifically, in Rajasthan cultures, these cloths are a sign of honor and respect. For this reason, a man is only respected is they adorn the headwear. Thus, it is against the norms for the men to show their hair in public. In some places, this cloth may be presented as gifts during special occasions such as weddings and dowry as a sign of honor.

However, initially, this cloth was not used for these purposes. Tracing back from history, some people claim that its use started in dry areas. This means that it was used for protecting the head from the effects of the hot sun. They would also use it to pull water from wells in dry areas. Even as these uses evolve, it is quite common to notice people who use them merely for these purposes.

As professionals advise, it is good to know how to correctly tie your cloth. In most cases especially women, you will need how to carefully do it to avoid and minimize hair loss. Often, tying the cloth too tightly may result in damages on the scalp leading to hair loss. Since it is not often easy to learn how to tie it with ease, it is advised that you start with simple tying styles and advance with the more complex ones with time.

The other thing that may prove difficult is where to buy the best headwear. If you have moved to a new location, one of the easy ways to do this is by getting referrals. Ask around from friends and relatives on where you can buy the best cloths. Often, the result will be that you end up with quality cloths since you are asking from people who have bought from them in the pats.

However, if you still find this difficult, you can get other ways on how to find a reputable dealer. For instance, one of the most basic things is that you need to know the quality of cloth you are buying. With the current economic times, ensure that you buy high quality cloths to avoid spending so much on the headwear.

At the same time, appreciate the diversity of this headwear. Normally, they come in different colors, shapes, and cloths. This is even more important when you are wearing it for cultural reasons. Ensure that you have a headwear that reflects your needs in terms of color and shape.

As you will realize, some people will easily learn all these tips. However, others will still find it difficult on how to settle for the best head turbans. The best thing in these cases is to seek professional advice.

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Important Facts About The Head Turbans Important Facts About The Head Turbans

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Important Facts About The Head Turbans

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