Saturday, August 3, 2013

Tie A Turban And Look Classy

Tie A Turban And Look Classy

By Cathy Mercer

When it comes to looking good and stylish, many people do not hesitate to try new trends in fashion. However, when the attire you don as a custom every day is itself very chic, it becomes less bothersome to make an effort. To tie a turban and look classy is one of those fashionable statements. If it is not your daily wear, you may choose to wear it on particular days or for some special functions. It may not form part of your religion or culture at all, yet you may wish to don it at times.

You have a few options before you before the big day. You could get a professional to tie it for you, and surprise everyone around with your immaculately done head gear. Alternatively, you could take lessons on doing it by yourself and perfect the art a few days ahead of the actual day of the celebration.

The professional you could approach for tying it could be a rural person who is acquainted with the task since his own childhood. You could also take help from a friend or family member who is acquainted well with the same.

On the other hand, if you endeavor to learn it, you can take classes from the above people. Someone familiar with the art of tying a turban since childhood and of humble background should be more than pleased to teach you. However, do remember they may require a lot of patience to do so. Thus, it is important that you appreciate their patience, and try and learn as well as you possibly can.

Once you have started taking lessons at tying a turban, make sure to get enough practice outside of your lessons as well. This implies that you must practice at home too. You could do so in front of a close friend or relative, or a mirror.

Make sure to keep trying it on, on your own, every day. This will really help you perfect the turban tying. Wear it in front of friends who are bound to give their honest opinion. Wear it before relatives who are familiar with your goal and would tell you exactly where you are going wrong or need to improve.

Keep practicing and then start wearing it for an hour or two inside your own house. Walk around in it. Sit with other people while you have it on. Eat your meals with the same on your head too. This will give you practice to conduct yourself during a long event or function where you would be wearing it, and for what you have been making this entire endeavour.

Learning to tie a turban is quite an art. Once learnt, it can even turn into a talent or interest. Therefore, if you have even the slightest interest in donning such gear, do not hesitate much regarding wearing it. Wearing such head gear, after all, lends a rather regal and sophisticated aura to any gentleman.

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Tie A Turban And Look Classy Tie A Turban And Look Classy

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Tie A Turban And Look Classy

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