Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Aesthetic Value Of Horse Hair Bracelets

The Aesthetic Value Of Horse Hair Bracelets

By Helga Stokes

Horse hair bracelets are jewelry just like any other. However, these ones are made of materials which are obtained from this particular animal. The material however can be manipulated into various designs depending on the availability of the machinery needed for this particular activity. The artisans involved too are different.

There are those artisans who have been to training institutions. In the institutions, they are taught on a wide range of issues. The very initial ones is the identification and the harvesting of the quality material needed. They then are taken through the various designs and the different types of machines used in this works. For them, they eventually end up working in modern industries using the modern equipment.

Once they graduate from their studies, they are usually posted to various firms that participate in the making of these ornaments. Here, they may be assigned various sections where they operate. Their commodities usually are highly demanded for. This is because people usually feel that they can only get the best commodities from the people who use machines in their operations. As such, these companies make very high profits.

Some of the people in these companies may however not have mastered the art of doing their work so well. This then means that they may end up making commodities of poor quality. The quality of the commodities usually is the one that determines whether clients will continue purchasing from a particular firm or not. Once these companies are identified, people totally abstain from making purchases from them.

Other artisans may feel that the art is too simple to learn it from training institutions. For most of them however, it is due to lack of finances to cater for the school fees. These ones therefore do not go for any training, but just learn the art by observation. They may attach themselves to trained personnel and then get to learn what they do gradually. Their activities may be good or bad depending on how keen one is in the learning.

The prices of their final products are considerably low. This is considering the fact that they do not employ the use of very complex tools. Besides, they only need the material and everything else is locally sourced. When they are very good at their work, they get very many clients, translating to very high profits. There are very many people who work under this particular category.

However, some people may not be convinced at how good these experts may turn out to be. Such clients are the ones who can never make purchases from them, hence reducing on their potential market. Besides, some of these experts may not have refined skills courtesy of their mode of learning. Poor quality goods thus may send away clients.

Horse hair bracelets are among the most treasured ornaments. This is because they are very attractive and affordable to all classes of clients. However, they are only found in countries where these animals are found in abundance, since material has to be readily available.

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The Aesthetic Value Of Horse Hair Bracelets The Aesthetic Value Of Horse Hair Bracelets

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The Aesthetic Value Of Horse Hair Bracelets

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